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Brigade Docs


Brigade projects pair event subscriptions with scripted event-handling logic. This document explains how to create and manage projects in Brigade.

Defining a Project

A project definition is represented as YAML or JSON, and may look familiar to users who have dealt with Kubernetes manifests, although Brigade project definitions are not Kubernetes manifests.

A typical project definition might resemble this example:

kind: Project
  id: hello-world
description: Demonstrates responding to an event with brigadier
  - source:
    - exec
    logLevel: DEBUG
      brigade.js: |
        const { events } = require("@brigadecore/brigadier");

        events.on("", "exec", async event => {
          console.log("Hello, World!");


Some of the most notable features of this definition include:

  • The field, which includes a project name that must be unique to your instance of Brigade.
  • A description of the project.
  • The spec.eventSubscriptions configuration, which describes all the events the project subscribes to. This particular configuration subscribes to events that are created manually from the brig CLI.
  • The spec.workerTemplate configuration, which describes the container the project will launch to handle any events to which it has subscribed. This particular configuration includes a brigade.js script in-line in the defaultConfigFiles section and does little more than print “Hello, World!” to stdout when handling an event originating from the CLI. We’ll discuss scripting in more detail in the Scripting Guide.

Writing a script in-line, as in the example above is convenient for very simple scripts such as this one, but in practical usage can become unwieldy quickly due to the absence of proper syntax highlighting, for instance, so it is more common for a workerTemplate to reference a git repository where a script can be found, as in this example:

kind: Project
  id: hello-world
description: Demonstrates responding to an event with brigadier
  - source:
    - exec
    logLevel: DEBUG

⚠️  Individual Brigade events, from certain sources (such as the GitHub gateway, for instance), can override the project definition’s git.cloneURL field or supplement it by specifying a branch, tag, or commit (by SHA). This ability is what makes Brigade capable of implementing CI/CD use cases.

While it is entirely possible to create project definitions from scratch, it is often more convenient to use brig init to generate one for you, which you can then edit to suit your needs.

For further examples of project definitions to help you get started, see the Examples section of the documentation.

Creating and Managing Projects

While Brigade project definitions are not Kubernetes manifests and the Brigade projects they describe are not Kubernetes resources, they can still be thought of in similar terms. In a Kubernetes cluster, a given resource doesn’t exist until it has been defined by a manifest and that manifest has been applied (uploaded) to the Kubernetes API server – and so it is with Brigade projects. A project is defined in a file and that definition must be uploaded to the Brigade API server in order to create the project.

With a project definition file in hand – project.yaml in this example – the following command will post the new project to the Brigade API server:

$ brig project create --file project.yaml

Projects can be listed:

$ brig project list

A project definition (and status) can be retrieved by specifying the project’s ID and an output format:

$ brig project get --id <project id> --output yaml

Projects can be updated from a modified definition using:

$ brig project update --file project.yaml

To delete a project, run:

$ brig project delete --id <project id>

Project Namespaces

Brigade creates a unique namespace for each project on the underlying workload execution substrate (Kubernetes) corresponding to each project. Most Brigade users will have no need to access this information, but for certain advanced use cases – for instance, ones wherein a script is meant to directly modify Kubernetes resources in a cluster – a user who has credentials for the underlying Kubernetes cluster may wish to learn what namespace a project is assigned to so they can directly modify resources such as Kubernetes ServiceAccounts or RoleBindings in that namespace.

This information can be retrieved from the kubernetes.namespace section after using the brig project get command as described in the previous section.

Project Secrets

The scripts executed by a project’s workers often need to make use of sensitive information that should not be hard-coded into the project definition or script. To manage such details, the CLI provides a suite of brig project secret commands.

To set a secret:

$ brig project secret set --project <project id> --set <key>=<value>

To set many secrets in bulk from a “flat” JSON or YAML file:

$ brig project secret set --project <project id> --file secrets.yaml

To list secrets for a project:

$ brig project secret list --project <project id>

The above command will display all keys, but with redacted values.

To delete a secret, use:

$ brig project secret unset --project <project id> --unset <key>

The Scripting Guide details how to access those secrets within your scripts.

⚠️  Internally, Brigade never stores secrets in its own database. Since Brigade uses Kubernetes to execute scripts and other workloads, it stores the secrets as close as possible to where they are used – namely Kubernetes Secret resources. This makes sense for a variety of reasons:

  1. If the secrets were stored elsewhere, they’d still need to be copied to Kubernetes Secret resources to be usable by the worker Pod that executes your script. Storing them there in the first place means they are already where they are needed and there are no additional copies of each secret anywhere else.

  2. Storing secrets only in Kubernetes Secret resources means you can trust Brigade with your secrets to the same extent (whatever that may be) that you already trust Kubernetes with your secrets. If you are unhappy with that (for instance, many Kubernetes clusters do not adequately encrypt Secret resources) and wish to improve the status quo, you can solve for that at the cluster level. It becomes a Kubernetes problem instead of a Brigade problem.

Special Secrets for Working with Private Git Repos

Brigade secrets are simple key/value pairs of strings. There are currently four keys that each offer some special utility in that Brigade itself will utilize their values if and when required. Specifically, these secrets play a role in enabling Brigade to clone and work with private git repositories.

  • gitSSHKey: A PEM-encoded private key beginning with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----, ending with -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----, and containing all of its usual line breaks. Using a secrets.yaml file to set this is the easiest way to preserve all of the correct formatting, as in the example below:

    gitSSHKey: |-
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----    

    If this secret is provided for a given project, Brigade will utilize that key when cloning that project’s git repository.

    Do not set this secret if you’re using a repository URL that begins with https://.

  • gitSSHKeyPassword: Optional passphrase for unlocking the PEM-encoded private key specified by gitSSHKey.

  • gitUsername/gitPassword: Basic auth username and/or password for cloning private repos whose URL begins with https://.

    If you need to use this, do not set gitSSHKey, as gitSSHKey takes precedence.

    Consult your git provider’s documentation for the correct way to set username/password for basic auth. For instance, with GitHub, the username is ignored/not required and the password should be a personal access token. On Bitbucket, by contrast, the username must be a real Bitbucket username (but not an email address) and the password should be an app password.